Browsing Category : Musings

Orangutan Borneo

51 and counting…

And so, as they say, the universe conspired to make it happen. On the 23rd of July, 2015 I set foot in my 50th country. It was just a daylong stopover in Kuala Lumpur, but statistics are statistics. I’m a sucker for travel lists and having perused every ‘best’, ‘10 most’, ‘must do’ list out there, I’ve mustered the gumption…

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Can’t wait to hit 50

Anyone with more than a nodding acquaintance with me would know that I, sort-of, like all things travel. That includes not just the heady smell of ‘foreign-ness’ in an alien land, but also the in-betweens through which a little snippet of information or a long-standing yearning goes from being a germ of an idea to a fleshed-out itinerary. Yup, my idea of a cosy night…

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